Wally’s Warriors Run Miles for Money in aid of Music Therapy at the NCH, Crumlin
This June a group of 12 friends AKA Wally’s Warriors, are taking on the ultimate Irish relay running non-stop the length of Ireland! The course runs from Malin Head, Donegal to Mizen Head, Cork that’s some 569 KM’s. The team who started training in January will clock up almost 10,000 km to prepare for the challenge.
The reason for this crazy trek? The team, including United Drug’s own Veronica Carragher are running Malin to Mizen to raise funding for Music Therapy at the Children’s Hospital, Crumlin.
Music Therapy is an evidence-based profession that uses music to help patients reach health goals. Music Therapists have specialised master’s level training in the application of music to the therapeutic process, especially in acute paediatric care. Music Therapists use their music and therapeutic skill to help children work towards emotional, social, physical, and cognitive goals.
They work as part of the multidisciplinary team. They work both independently and jointly with Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Psychologists when deemed beneficial for the child. Sessions are family centred and focus on providing a creative way for the child to express their experience of illness, trauma, and treatment.
Starting on Wednesday June 22nd in Malin, the relay will continue non-stop through the 23rd and 24th and finish at Mizen Head on Saturday the 25th.
If the team reach their target of €50,000 this should sustain the Music Therapy programme for 2 years.
If you wish to follow their journey or make a donation please visit the link below:
More details are available on their Instagram wallythewarriorm2m and Twitter @WarriorWally1 accounts.