Don’t be afraid to ask… 'Could this be Sepsis?'
Sepsis can affect anybody, at any age; but it is more likely to occur in older people or very young children because their immune systems are weaker.
The HSE defines Sepsis as a serious complication of an infection. Most cases of infection lead to a full recovery if it's identified and treated quickly. Without quick treatment, sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death. Early recognition and treatment is critical - trust your instincts!
• Shivering. Fever or very cold
• Extreme pain or discomfort
• Pale. Discoloured, mottled skin
• Sleep, difficult to rouse, confused
• Shortness of breath
The old adage is prevention is better than a cure. Talk to your patients today to make sure patients have had all the recommended vaccinations. Advise to keep any cuts or scratches clean and covered and encourage good hygiene to reduce the risk of infection.
If a child presents with any of these symptoms:
• Feels abnormally cold to the touch
• Looks mottled, bluish, or pale
• Breathing very fast
• Is unusually sleepy and difficult to wake
• Has a rash that does not fade when you press it
• Having fits or convulsions
Any child under 5 who:
• Is not feeding
• Is vomiting repeatedly
• Has not had a wet nappy in last 12 hrs
Don’t be afraid to ask… 'Could this be Sepsis?'
Remember urgent medical attention can save lives.
For more information visit the HSE website>>