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€16,000 was raised to support Childline at Christmas by colleagues and customers of United Drug, LloydsPharmacy, Median Healthcare and TCP Homecare. The Irish Businesses, owned by the PHOENIX Group, Europe...
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McKesson Ireland has today announced a new charity partnership with ISPCC to help support the children’s charity with the provision of Childline services for children and young people. Listening to, empowe...
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Following a two-year partnership with Aware as their official Charity Partner, McKesson Ireland have expressed a massive thank you for all the fundraising efforts from their employees across the four businesses of United Drug, Lloyds Pharmacy, TCP Homecare and Median Healthcare.
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As part of McKesson Ireland, United Drug are showing our support for Ukraine in the best and most immediate way possible. The key advice from charity organisations is that monetary donations are the most app...
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October was mental health awareness month. For mental health awareness month United Drug along with TCP Homecare, Median Healthcare and Lloyds Pharmacy Ireland took part in three hikes across Ireland raising...
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During the global coronavirus pandemic, we have been facing a tragic loss of life, often under very difficult circumstances. We’ve been separated from loved ones, working in close quarters with family members and for some of us losing those we care about far too soon. Being bereaved can be a lonely time, and isolation due to the current situation can make it more difficult.
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