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High Pollen Days Are Here | Allergy Insights
allergy insights
High Pollen Days Are Here | Allergy Insights

In Ireland, Hay fever Season generally runs from March and can last up until October! The main Hay fever symptoms are headaches, itchy eyes or skin, runny noses and sore throats. According to a survey carrie...

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National No Smoking Day - Insights by United Drug
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National No Smoking Day - Insights by United Drug

In light of National No Smoking Day, we’d like to share an insight into the increasing sales of ‘Habit Treatment Products’ from our Insights Department. This is particularly interesting as it provides an understanding of the Irish public’s desire to reduce their tobacco consumption.

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Allergy Insights from United Drug
allergy insights
Allergy Insights from United Drug

The Allergy category has skyrocketed in the last 3 years and wholesale market sales are at an all time high since 2021!

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