National No Smoking Day - Insights by United Drug
In Ireland, over 100 people die of tobacco related diseases each week (source: HSE).
In light of National No Smoking Day, we’d like to share an insight into the increasing sales of ‘Habit Treatment Products’ from our Insights Department. This is particularly interesting as it provides an understanding of the Irish public’s desire to reduce their tobacco consumption.
The last quarter of 2023 was the strongest quarter over the past 24 months. Quarter 4 (Oct – Dec 2023) v Quarter 1 (Jan – March 2023) saw an +8% increase in sales.
Usually, we see an increase of sales in ‘Habit Treatment Products’ in Q1 due to new year’s resolutions. However, recently with Nicorette and Niquitin products specifically, we are seeing this trend more steadily throughout the year which would suggest that people are sticking to using the smoking cessation products and not waiting for the new year to use them.
The below graphs refer to Nicorette and Niquitin product sales since 2022. It shows the trend line for 2022 levels out for the year, whereas 2023 is showing an increase as the year goes on.