Insight into Pharmacy Covid-19 vaccination programme
The United Drug webinar series has been teaming with invaluable knowledge over the last few weeks. In February, they welcomed Mr. John O'Byrne MPSI (Acting Head of Pharmacy from Tallaght University Hospital) and Denis O'Driscoll MPSI (Superintendent Pharmacist at McKesson Ireland) for a special webinar which addressed the upcoming Covid-19 vaccine roll out for pharmacies throughout Ireland. In addition, they also welcomed Mary Magner (United Drug Category Manager) in March to discuss Macro Floor Planning in the hope of soon returning to a “new norm” for retail pharmacies.
The Covid-19 webinar gave pharmacies an insight into the experiences of the vaccine roll-out within Tallaght Hospital. Mr O’Bryne presented a detailed overview of the planning, organisation and administration that was required to successfully implement the programme. In addition to this, he also addressed the challenges that accompanied this roll-out from a hospital stand point.
Following this, Denis O'Driscoll MPSI repositioned the process of the vaccine programme from a pharmacy perspective. Addressing key requirements such as storing, administration, potential challenges ahead and staff training, this overview was greatly received by pharmacies all over Ireland.
In early March, Mary Magner then presented Macrofloor planning ahead of the upcoming pharmacy vaccination programme with an opportunity for pharmacies to look at their retail layout with fresh eyes and also take learnings from this most unusual past year.
If you have any questions in relation to the above webinars, please contact our event organisers:
Lucia Onofri, Brand and Trade Marketing Manager, lucia.mariaonofri@united-drug.com and Jennifer Morrin, Senior Marketing Executive, jennifer.morrin@united-drug.com